What are Transitional Species?
This week I’d like to take a look at an important concept to evolutionary theory- that of the transitional species. This concept is also often referred to by a less-meaningful term, “missing link.” This concept is packed with mistaken assumptions and used unscientifically far too often, which is partially the fault of uninformed journalists and partially the fault of creationists.
The problem is that there is really no such thing as a transitional species. The reason for this is that all species are transitional species. Now, obviously that sounds like I just contradicted myself, but let me explain. Dedicated listeners will remember from the episode about species that I never really defined what a species is. I gave a number of different methods that can be used to describe a species, but I also said that there’s no clear-cut definition, because every system has exceptions. So, if there’s no way to absolutely define species, then there’s no way to absolutely define transitional species. However, our brains don’t like ambiguity. Humans like to classify things, and so we come up with systems of organization and classification, such as the Linnean taxonomy that I’ve mentioned already. And usually classification makes sense- dogs are different species from cats, for example, by any objective measurement. But what about the ring species that I mentioned before, like the salamanders of which all subspecies but two can interbreed? There, the concept of species is not so clear.
In the same way that the concept of species can be provisionally meaningful to describe organisms at a single point in time, the concept of transitional species can be provisionally meaningful to describe organisms over a length of time, usually quite a long time, like hundreds of thousands or millions of years.
The concept, in essence, is fairly straightforward. Let’s say that you have a Species A that existed some time in the past, say, 10 million years ago. Currently, we observe Species C that exists now and shares a lot of the anatomical characters that are seen in fossils of Species A, but which also has several characters that are not seen in Species A. Evolutionary theory predicts that if Species C is descended from Species A, then there is likely a Species B which has more characteristics in common with Species C than Species A. We refer to Species B as a transitional species, but this is only in the context of the difference between Species A and C. These transitional species are often referred to as “missing links” because they are hypothesized to exist, given the fact that fossils are not found one after the other in a continuous line into the past, but are found corresponding to various points in prehistory, which is the reason that gaps exist in the fossil record.
The fact that these gaps exist is not a failing of evolutionary theory, however- it is a limitation of human investigation. We have no way of knowing where fossils are going to be exactly (although we can make some pretty good guesses), and we don’t know what specific fossils are going to be found (although we have some pretty good guesses on those too).
I also want to point out again that the concept of a species being “transitional” is only relative to the species that existed before and after it. And the concept of “species” is a classification that is made by humans strictly for organizational purposes. So a “transitional species” is a contextual classification, nothing more. This is what I meant when I said that there’s really no such thing as a transitional species. But since, given evolutionary theory, all species are in the process of evolutionary change (assuming they don’t become extinct), all species are themselves giving rise to new species eventually, and thus we can say equally that all species are “transitional.”
Now, since I’ve just gone to the trouble of confusing you at length by telling you that transitional species don’t really exist, let me confuse you further by giving you some examples of some. What I mean here is that, since the concept of a transitional species is contextual and relative to a specific classification, it can be meaningful if we view it in that restricted way- that is, if we assume a specific context relative to specific classifications.
For example, if you assume the classifications Fish and Amphibians, there are a number of excellent transitional species, including one amazing species discovered in the past year, called Tiktaalik. Tiktaalik lived about 375 million years ago, and belonged to the group of fish called “lobe-finned,” which are ancestral to all tetrapods, that is, all animals with four limbs. Tiktaalik had characteristics of both fish and tetrapods, including the scales and gills of a fish, limbs that are intermediate between fish and tetrapods, and the mobile neck and lungs of a tetrapod. That’s right- it had both gills and lungs. You can learn more about Tiktaalik at its very own website, http://tiktaalik.uchicago.edu/.
If, however, you assume the classifications Reptiles and Birds, there are also a number of transitional species, most notably Archaeopteryx. Archaeopteryx lived about 150 million years ago, and would technically be classified among dinosaurs, which are a subset of the reptile group. Archaeopteryx had characteristics of both reptiles and birds, including a long bony tail, and a bones structure that is very similar to a reptile. It also had fully-formed, flight-capable feathers, which makes it distinctly similar to birds. It’s unknown whether Archaeopteryx was able to fly the same way that modern birds do- it may have only been able to glide, or perhaps to take wing-powered hops, but the feathers are there, and they show it to be distinctly transitional between reptiles and birds.
There are also a couple well-characterized transitional species in the mammal lineage, especially in the evolution of the whale and the evolution of the horse. Ambulocetus was an amphibious mammal and ancestral to modern whales- it lived about 50 million years ago and has many characteristics of modern whales and many characteristics of the artiodactyla family, the cloven-hoofed mammals, which it is transitional between. In the evolution of the horse, clear transitions can be seen between Eohippus, which is recognized as the first horse, and all the later species such as Mesohippus, Parahippus, Merychippus, all of which used fewer and fewer digits on the foot until our modern horses, which use only one.
More recently, and of more personal interest, is the evolution of humans. Although the specific relationships between fossil species are still somewhat controversial, it is clear that transitional species exist between Australopithecus and modern Homo sapiens, including Homo habilis, and Homo erectus. Homo neanderthalensis, also known as Neandethal Man, is not our direct ancestor, as has been shown by mitochondrial DNA analysis, but is a related ancestral human species, sort of like an uncle.
To review- a transitional species is a classification based on a specific context- a species that exhibits characteristics of species that existed prior to and following it. Gaps in our knowledge of specific transitional species is a function of limited detection, not a failing of evolutionary theory. And many excellent examples of transitional species exist between any number of biological classifications, and more are being discovered every year.
The problem is that there is really no such thing as a transitional species. The reason for this is that all species are transitional species. Now, obviously that sounds like I just contradicted myself, but let me explain. Dedicated listeners will remember from the episode about species that I never really defined what a species is. I gave a number of different methods that can be used to describe a species, but I also said that there’s no clear-cut definition, because every system has exceptions. So, if there’s no way to absolutely define species, then there’s no way to absolutely define transitional species. However, our brains don’t like ambiguity. Humans like to classify things, and so we come up with systems of organization and classification, such as the Linnean taxonomy that I’ve mentioned already. And usually classification makes sense- dogs are different species from cats, for example, by any objective measurement. But what about the ring species that I mentioned before, like the salamanders of which all subspecies but two can interbreed? There, the concept of species is not so clear.
In the same way that the concept of species can be provisionally meaningful to describe organisms at a single point in time, the concept of transitional species can be provisionally meaningful to describe organisms over a length of time, usually quite a long time, like hundreds of thousands or millions of years.
The concept, in essence, is fairly straightforward. Let’s say that you have a Species A that existed some time in the past, say, 10 million years ago. Currently, we observe Species C that exists now and shares a lot of the anatomical characters that are seen in fossils of Species A, but which also has several characters that are not seen in Species A. Evolutionary theory predicts that if Species C is descended from Species A, then there is likely a Species B which has more characteristics in common with Species C than Species A. We refer to Species B as a transitional species, but this is only in the context of the difference between Species A and C. These transitional species are often referred to as “missing links” because they are hypothesized to exist, given the fact that fossils are not found one after the other in a continuous line into the past, but are found corresponding to various points in prehistory, which is the reason that gaps exist in the fossil record.
The fact that these gaps exist is not a failing of evolutionary theory, however- it is a limitation of human investigation. We have no way of knowing where fossils are going to be exactly (although we can make some pretty good guesses), and we don’t know what specific fossils are going to be found (although we have some pretty good guesses on those too).
I also want to point out again that the concept of a species being “transitional” is only relative to the species that existed before and after it. And the concept of “species” is a classification that is made by humans strictly for organizational purposes. So a “transitional species” is a contextual classification, nothing more. This is what I meant when I said that there’s really no such thing as a transitional species. But since, given evolutionary theory, all species are in the process of evolutionary change (assuming they don’t become extinct), all species are themselves giving rise to new species eventually, and thus we can say equally that all species are “transitional.”
Now, since I’ve just gone to the trouble of confusing you at length by telling you that transitional species don’t really exist, let me confuse you further by giving you some examples of some. What I mean here is that, since the concept of a transitional species is contextual and relative to a specific classification, it can be meaningful if we view it in that restricted way- that is, if we assume a specific context relative to specific classifications.
For example, if you assume the classifications Fish and Amphibians, there are a number of excellent transitional species, including one amazing species discovered in the past year, called Tiktaalik. Tiktaalik lived about 375 million years ago, and belonged to the group of fish called “lobe-finned,” which are ancestral to all tetrapods, that is, all animals with four limbs. Tiktaalik had characteristics of both fish and tetrapods, including the scales and gills of a fish, limbs that are intermediate between fish and tetrapods, and the mobile neck and lungs of a tetrapod. That’s right- it had both gills and lungs. You can learn more about Tiktaalik at its very own website, http://tiktaalik.uchicago.edu/.
If, however, you assume the classifications Reptiles and Birds, there are also a number of transitional species, most notably Archaeopteryx. Archaeopteryx lived about 150 million years ago, and would technically be classified among dinosaurs, which are a subset of the reptile group. Archaeopteryx had characteristics of both reptiles and birds, including a long bony tail, and a bones structure that is very similar to a reptile. It also had fully-formed, flight-capable feathers, which makes it distinctly similar to birds. It’s unknown whether Archaeopteryx was able to fly the same way that modern birds do- it may have only been able to glide, or perhaps to take wing-powered hops, but the feathers are there, and they show it to be distinctly transitional between reptiles and birds.
There are also a couple well-characterized transitional species in the mammal lineage, especially in the evolution of the whale and the evolution of the horse. Ambulocetus was an amphibious mammal and ancestral to modern whales- it lived about 50 million years ago and has many characteristics of modern whales and many characteristics of the artiodactyla family, the cloven-hoofed mammals, which it is transitional between. In the evolution of the horse, clear transitions can be seen between Eohippus, which is recognized as the first horse, and all the later species such as Mesohippus, Parahippus, Merychippus, all of which used fewer and fewer digits on the foot until our modern horses, which use only one.
More recently, and of more personal interest, is the evolution of humans. Although the specific relationships between fossil species are still somewhat controversial, it is clear that transitional species exist between Australopithecus and modern Homo sapiens, including Homo habilis, and Homo erectus. Homo neanderthalensis, also known as Neandethal Man, is not our direct ancestor, as has been shown by mitochondrial DNA analysis, but is a related ancestral human species, sort of like an uncle.
To review- a transitional species is a classification based on a specific context- a species that exhibits characteristics of species that existed prior to and following it. Gaps in our knowledge of specific transitional species is a function of limited detection, not a failing of evolutionary theory. And many excellent examples of transitional species exist between any number of biological classifications, and more are being discovered every year.
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alsoe, at 10:15 PM
It seems that someone (a creationist) has been reviewing your transcripts. His site is: http://zanasobayncuh.googlepages.com/evotalk
His email: the_debate_forum@yahoo.com
alsoe, at 10:16 PM
If such rubbish can be called a review. He doesn't even argue, he just gives his opinion.
Lucretius, at 5:55 PM
not to be mean, but isn't everything just opinion really? Even your comments?
ktylizbth, at 11:58 AM
Not really. What I am saying isn't opinion. I'm simply pointing out the fact (not opinion) that he is giving his opinion. He does not delve into the facts.
You can have logical, reasonable disputations with interpretations of evidences, and then you can have baseless statements like "I don't like what he says here. Therefore it is wrong", which is what we see with this persons "review".
There is a line between fact and opinion. Facts are observed realities which are logically, reasonably interpreted. There is really only one way to interpret something as a fact. An opinion can have a multitude of equal (or unequal) views. Morals are really opinions, for instance. Fortunately, almost every human has the same opinion on the basic tenets of morality and so we don't go around murdering one another for kicks. Yet, the abortion issue, for instance: it is not a fact that abortion is good or bad, those are simply opinions.
I've rambled on long enough, but I hope you see the distinction.
Lucretius, at 9:29 AM
It's hard for me to say, I guess it's a fact that its his opinion. I could agree with that...
ktylizbth, at 3:00 PM
Back to the original post Moore made, I wanted to say, I would have thought because of this lack of 'transitional' species in the fossil record one could imply the idea of 'punctuated equilibrium'? besides the fact that failing of discoveries in the fossil record don't imply failing of evolutionary theory...
ktylizbth, at 5:53 PM
Lucretius said, "it is not a fact that abortion is good or bad, those are simply opinions."
It should be stated that Lucretius' opinion (not fact) is that it is not a fact.
Adam H., at 10:24 AM
I seems like an awfully large leap of faith to argue that we often simply haven't found the species between A and C. In fact, the very fact that we have found A suggests that's it would be more likely that we would find B because it would be more recent.
This kind of arguement sesm to make a lot of sense for fossils many millions of years ago. It makes less sense for the last few millon years and certainly much less sense for the last million.
Wayne Crimi, at 12:57 PM
@wcrimi: Just because a predicted fossil is more recent doesn't necessarily make it more likely that we will find one. The conditions necessary to make a fossil are so remarkably remote that most land dwelling species (much less individuals creatures) will never leave a fossilized remain and of those few that do, because they are so rare, we may never find where they are buried.
Super J.
Super Jesus, at 7:11 AM
Time for logic 101 by example:
"Chocolate is good!" is an opinion.
"Chocolate is made from roasted ground cacao beans." is a fact.
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Unknown, at 3:31 PM
As I understand it (I have limited knowledge) fossils are comparitively rare when one takes into account all the species that have existed.
Becoming a well preserved fossil is like hitting the jackpot. Most creatures will decompose completely. Makes sense, otherwise we would all be walking on a mountain of bones.
The fossil record does seem to indicate evolution is fact, and when taken in tandem with genetic research and even observations in the field, the evidence is overwhelming.
I recently read a book attempting to disprove evolution (I was urged by a family member). The book constantly stated there were precious few "transitional species" and asserted that there should be millions upon millions of demonstrably evolving fossils.
Beside the obvious fallacy about the transitional species, it is my understanding that there are millions of documented species and that all can be worked in the story of evolutional history, even if they aren't all obviously "in between."
That is a high success rate, I think.
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afaf elgamal, at 8:51 AM
لكل أصحاب السيارات الذين يبحثون عن أفضل أنواع المظلات بأشكالها، ومواصفاتها المميزة لا تترددوا في طلب خدمتكم من شركة العتيبي فهو يمتلك فنيين مختصين في عمل أجمل المظلات التي تحمي السيارات من أشعة الشمس كم يمكنها عمل مظلات مواقف سيارات ثابتة ومتحركة وتفصيل أجمل مظلات المسابح الرائعة
مظلات مواقف سيارات
مظلات مسابح
كل هذه الخدمات تقدمها لكم بأرخص الأسعار التي يمكنكم البحث عنها في الأسواق، مع تقديم أفضل العروض والتخفيضات خلال العام وأحدث الأشكال والتصميات التي لن تجدها عند أحد غيرنا
مظلات سيارات رخيصة
اشكال مظلات جديدة
مظلات بي في سي
ننصحكم ونخبركم أن شركة العتيبي أعرق شركة تقديم مظلات وسواتر علي الإطلاق تتميز بالخبرة والمصداقية مع العميل، هدفها في المقام الأول هو إرضاء العميل
مظلات سيارات
مظلات وسواتر العتيبي
Unknown, at 12:18 PM
[6"]"]مؤسسة الجديد
لتركيب المظلات: مظلات سيارات وسواتر
توريد وتركيب مظلات
سيارات وسواتر بافضل المواصفات واقل الأسعار . ... مظلات وسواتر برجولات
– اسعار سواتر ومظلات
توريد وتركيب مظلات سيارات وسواتر بافضل المواصفات واقل اسعار من خلال توفير افضل الصناعات الاوربية والكورية والوطنية والاسترالية لأعمال مظلات وسواتر .
تركيب مظلات وسواتر لجميع المنازل
والمؤسسات، جلسات برجولات راقية، بيوت الشعر،الهناجر
برجولاتمظلات خشبية ولكسان
اشكال جديدة واسعار مغرية -
مظلات برجولات خشبية وحديديه
برجولة خشبية – برجولات خشبية – برجولات سداسية –برجولات ثمانية
– برجولات حدائق –برجولات فلل
– برجولات أسطح – برجولات -
تقدم الشركة أفضل أنواع المظلات على مستوى الشركات فهي تقدم مظلات مصنوعة من مادة البولي كلوريد الفينيل وهي تعتبر من أهم وأفضل أنواع البلاستيك الحراري الذي يدخل في صناعة المظلات العالمية بجودة لا تقبل المنافسة وضمان العمر الطويل مع تغير الألوان وثباتها كفاءة في مواجهه التغيرات المناخية المختلفة.
تقدم الشركة أفضل العروض وطرق دفع مختلفة تناسب جميع العملاء عن طريق توفير أفضل أنواع المظلات بأرخص الأسعار التي لا تقبل المنافسة مع توفير جميع المقاسات المختلفة للمظلات بأسعار تناسب الجميع مع توفير أفضل العروض المقدمة من الشركة
تركيب المظلات
البلاستيكية في جدة ومكة المكرمة- خدمة 24 ساعة - ضمان 10 سنوات - مواصفات أوربية. ضمان 100% وأمان تام. تركيب مظلات 25% خصم الان. تصنيع بخامات عالية الجودة. مظلات سيارات سواتر الخدمات: خدمة علي مدار 24 ساعة, ضمان 10 سنوات
مسوق الكترونى, at 8:50 AM
شركة نقل عفش بجازان اهتمام شركة البيت الحضارى باعمال النقل والتخلص من مشاكل التقليدية فى الانتقال من مكان الى اخر من افضل الخدمات التى تقوم به الشركة ،فاذا كنت تعانى من اى خطوة تقليدية او تعانى من التخبط او العيوب او اى مشاكل اخرى لا تسبب فى الانتقال من مكان الى اخر ،فكل ما عليك هو الاتصال على افضل الخدمات المميزة التى تقوم به شركة البيت الحضارى او تواصل عبر ارقام شركتنا الان :- 0550504670
مسوق الكترونى, at 5:18 PM
شركة تنظيف بجازان
شركة البيت الحضارى من اوائل الشركات التى تعمل فى مجال التنظيف والنظافة العامة فى جازان والاماكن الاخرى خارج جيزان ، فنحن نهتم بتوفير الايدى العاملة المميزة المسئولة عن اعمال التنظيف والاجهزة المتخصصة فى التنظيف التى تساعد فى الوصول الى النتيجة المطلوبة بمنتهى الجودة والكفاءة والتميز فاذا كنت فى حيرة من خدمات التنظيف فتواصل مع ارقام شركتنا الان :- 0550504670
مسوق الكترونى, at 5:34 PM
شركة تنظيف شقق بجازان هناك العديد من الاساليب والاسس التى لابد من السير عليها من اجل التخلص من النتائج التقليدية التى تصل اليها وفى اقل وقت ممكن تستطيع ان تصل الى النتيجة المرضية ،فاذا كنت تعانى من تنظيف الشقق الجديدة او الشقق المستعملة فتواصل مع خدماتنا المميزة فى التنظيف والتى تحقق لك النتيجة المطلوبة فى اقل وقت وارخص سعر للخدمة فتواصل مع خدمات شركة البيت الحضارى الان نصلك اينما كنت فى جازان :- 0550504670
مسوق الكترونى, at 5:39 PM
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هاتف صيانة مكيفات ميديا الرياض
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